Watch Us Grow

Have you tried the Watch Us Grow liquid plant food? Since 1952, the Stephen Follett company has been making their proprietary blend of plant food that is formulated to mitigate overuse and burning. It’s certainly best to stick to the recommended doses, but it is nice to know that it is safer for plants if you use too much. Along with the typical nitrogen, phosphorus and potash included in most plant foods, Follett’s also includes five micronutrients and its proprietary compound Fol-Ade®, bringing documented superior results compared to the big brands. 

It works great! The all purpose food promotes growth in outdoor plants as well as house plants. It actually works better as a foliar food, mix with water in a spray bottle and spray it on the leaves. But it also works when watering your plants through the roots. 

And here’s an interested tidbit of information for the holiday season, you can add Watch Us Grow to the water in your real Christmas tree tray to keep it greener longer. (They’ve even documented where the cut trees started growing new roots!) 

Watch Us Grow is sold as a concentrate, one quart makes up to 64 gallons. 

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