Melinda Grayson and The McNess Recipes Website

If you follow us on our Facebook page, you’ll notice referenced to Melinda Grayson and Sweet Creations. Melinda has a substantial following on her Facebook page where she frequently has live baking sessions, often with her daughter Imani. In addition to her online presence, Melinda runs the Sweet Creations bakery that ships items across the country. 

We originally found Melinda in one of her videos talking about how she loves the McNess vanilla! That started the conversation and we have been working with her ever since to help us with the McNess Recipes website. 

Click here to visit the McNess Recipes website!

The McNess Recipes website is a work in progress, but you can certainly find a number of wonderful recipes to try out. And if you’ve seen online recipes before, you may have noticed a trend to have a lot of promotional talk before you get to the recipe itself. That’s not how we do things. Click on the link and you get the recipe!

Melinda is continuing to add recipes to the website, but we also will take other recipes and put them online! Do you have a favorite? Contact us and we can send you submission guidelines.

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